
How to mix your own cactus soil

Estimated time: 15 min

Difficulty: easy


A suitable substrate is the basis for happy cacti. They grow mainly in mineral and humus-free or humus-poor weathered soils. Their substrate is sandy and loose and has a low organic content. This makes the soil very water-permeable and low in nutrients. Depending on the origin of the cacti, their need for mineral or organic components varies. A universal basic recipe is as follows…

What you need


Step 1/4

Fill a measuring unit into the mixing tray and spray the perlite lightly with water. It ensures good air circulation and loosens the soil. If you don’t have any perlite to hand, you can also use pumice stone. It also loosens and aerates the soil.


Step 2/4

Add a measuring unit of compost. It provides your cactus with nutrients. Find out more about your cactus: where does it come from and what soil does it grow in?
Depending on its origin, increase or decrease the proportion slightly.


Step 3/4

Add a measuring unit of sand. Depending on the origin of the cactus, reduce or increase the proportion. It ensures good water permeability and prevents waterlogging.


Step 4/4

Mix well. Done!

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